The word kendo literally means ‘The Way of the Sword’ (ken: sword + do: way), and can best be described as Japanese Fencing. Kendo’s origins are most closely associated with the feudal Japanese Samurai and many protocols within today’s dojos still reflect this cultural tradition. Kendo has now become a popular sport form that is suitable for both men and women of all ages, who practice and compete together.
Iaido is the art of drawing the sword and developed around the 15th century as Iaijutsu. Practitioners of Iaido are required to learn kata techniques such as drawing of the sword to defend while standing, sitting or kneeling.
Jodo is a traditional martial art of Japan practiced with the Jo (or short stick). The Jo is a round stick made of oak and is 128cms in length and 2.4cms in diameter.
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NSW Kendo Association Executives